
If you have questions about membership or what we do at the IAB, 希望你能在下面找到答案. If you still have a question after looking through this 页面, please email us on (电子邮件保护)


否-每个IAB单独操作, as they primarily deal with the regulatory environments within their own countries.

What's the difference between IAB英国 and IAB Europe?
IAB英国 is focused on UK issues and IAB Europe on European issues, 但正如欧盟立法目前适用于英国一样, e.g. GDPR, IAB英国 and IAB Europe work very closely together. IAB英国也是IAB欧洲的成员. 

IAB Tech Lab is operated separately from any IAB and operates globally. It is responsible for developing 标准 and technology to enable growth and transparency across the digital media ecosystem. For more information on IAB Tech Lab, please visit their website 在这里.

第一次, we are offering IAB英国 members access to IAB Tech Lab resources at no extra membership cost. 了解更多 在这里

会员 & 账户 

No, we only offer company memberships, but any individual from a member company can use our services. 

How many logins are included in my company membership? 
T在这里 is no limit to the number of team members who can log in. Anyone with your company email address can sign up.

Create an account, log in and change your email preferences in your Dashboard.

我们总共有16组, 包括13个通道特定组, such as 'Audio' and 'Ad Tech' and four specialism groups, “出版社”, “研究”, 监管事务的, 和“多样性, 股本 & 包容的. For more information, please visit our Industry Groups 页面 在这里.

Company memberships are costed based on your annual UK revenue. 广告商有权获得免费会员资格.

No. 会员资格适用于所有规模的公司. In fact, we have been actively encouraging small and medium sized businesses to engage with digital. 看到我们的 中小企业的工具 and learn how your business can make the most out of digital advertising.

我们有/ 1,300个成员, 来自最大的媒体所有者和品牌, 直接面向消费者品牌和小型企业. 你可以全部查看 在这里.

Our board is limited to 25 companies and collectively they set the direction IAB英国 takes on a variety of issues. 你可以看到谁在我们的黑板上 在这里.



Our latest Adspend findings show the UK digital ad market grew 15% year-on-year with £12.2022年上半年在彩乐园dsn上的支出为50亿美元. The full report for 2022 will be released in April 2023. For more information, please visit our Adspend 页面 在这里.

Please get in touch with our research team for how you can contribute to our various research outputs, 包括Adspend, 在这里.

Our full Adspend report covers both of these areas in depth, 会员可以通过广告页面访问它 在这里.

Do you have any research which proves digital advertising works?
我们的“为什么数字?' 页面 页面 collates all of our research proving the effectiveness of digital advertising. 这包括 有效性研究 和品牌 案例研究 成功的彩乐园dsn活动.

How can I properly measure my digital advertising campaigns?
The Measurement Hub and Toolkit provide resources on the most effective methods of measuring digital advertising campaigns. 了解更多 在这里.



The dsn彩乐园网址 is open to all IAB英国 members who buy and sell digital media. It aims to improve the digital advertising experience, 帮助遵守GDPR和电子隐私法, 打击广告欺诈,维护品牌安全. 了解更多 在这里.

Starting your journey to dsn彩乐园网址 certification couldn’t be easier, just fill out a short online form and we'll be in touch to talk about your commitment and get you started on the process. 您可以访问表单 在这里.


政策 & 监管

What work are you doing on the Government's HFSS ad ban?

Since the HFSS online ad ban was first announced by the Government in 2020, we have been working our members and industry partners to oppose the ban on the grounds that the Government’s own evidence shows it will not work. We have been focused on putting forward smarter, digital-led alternatives to the ban. 是我们努力的结果, the online ad ban – which was initially due to be introduced at the start of 2023 – has now been delayed until October 2025. 前往我们的 基于中心 dsn彩乐园网址消息.

How has Brexit affected digital advertising and GDPR?
The EU GDPR has been incorporated into UK law and the UK GDPR now applies. For more information on how Brexit has affected digital advertising, please visit our GDPR 页面.

是的. The ICO resumed its work investigating data protection compliance in ad tech and real-time bidding at the start of 2021, having previously paused further investigation in May 2020. The IAB has worked with our members to develop a range of guidance and resources covering key areas the ICO identified in its 2019 Update report, 你可以找到 在这里.


事件 & 培训

你可以查看2023年的所有赛事 在这里

We offer a comprehensive suite of online 培训 programs through the IAB英国 eLearning centre. 你可以了解更多 在这里

是的. Our webinars are available for our members to view 在这里 and sessions from many of our past events are available to watch on our YouTube频道.





支持连接而不是点击. Capture audiences' imaginations, not just their attention. Boldly move to your own beat instead of letting tech set the pace. 是时候重新发现数码的乐趣了.